The Committee's Efforts in Overcoming Fraudulent Village Head Elections in Sambimulyo Village, Bangorejo District, Banyuwangi Regency
Election, Village Chief, CheatingAbstract
The election of the Sambimulyo Village Head (Pilkades) which is free from fraudulent practices is indeed a hope for all Sambimulyo residents. The Sambimulyo Village Consultative Body (BPD), which is part of the Sambimulyo Village Government, is fully responsible for organizing the Sambimulyo Pilkades. BPD Sambimulyo then formed the Sambimulyo Village Head Election Committee by upholding neutrality. The Sambimulyo Village Head Election Committee has made the Sambimulyo Village Head Election Stages and the 2019 Sambimulyo Village Head Election Committee Decision Number: 188/30/PAN.SAMBIMULYO/IX/2019 concerning the 2019 Sambimulyo Village Head Election Rules to oversee the implementation of the Sambimulyo Village Election which is clean from practice - fraudulent practices. The focus of this research is how the efforts, the implementation system of the Sambimulyo Village Election Committee in preparing the village head election and supervision of the Sambimulyo BPD after the village head election is carried out. This study uses descriptive qualitative research methods. The results of this study state that 1) The preparations made by the village head election committee are in accordance with Government Regulation No. 47 of 2015 and the village village election committee has made efforts in the form of removing the image that has been installed by the village head candidate on the side of the road. However, the community cannot report to the Pilkades committee but a successful team of candidates, 2) The Sambimulyo Village Head Election Implementation System has been established in the form of a Campaigning Opportunity Day System and a Centralized System in voting, 3) the Sambimulyo Village Consultative Body supervises after election of village heads as well as creating security and peace by collaborating with village heads to instill the slogan ojo rupture ojo bubrah mung amargo chosen by the lurah to the people of Sambimulyo Village
Pemilihan Kepala Desa (Pilkades) Sambimulyo yang bebas dari praktik kecurangan memang menjadi harapan bagi seluruh warga Sambimulyo. Badan Permusyawaratan Desa (BPD) Sambimulyo yang merupakan bagian dari Pemerintahan Desa Sambimulyo, bertanggungjawab secara penuh terhadap penyelenggaraan Pilkades Sambimulyo. BPD Sambimulyo kemudian membentuk Panitia Pemilihan Kepala Desa Sambimulyo dengan menjunjung tinggi netralitas. Panitia Pilkades Sambimulyo telah membuat Tahapan Pemilihan Kepala Desa Sambimulyo dan Keputusan Panitia Pemilihan Kepala Desa Sambimulyo Tahun 2019 Nomor: 188/30/PAN.SAMBIMULYO/IX/2019 Tentang Tata Tertib Pemilihan Kepala Desa Sambimulyo Tahun 2019 untuk mengawal pelaksanaan Pilkades Sambimulyo yang bersih dari praktek-praktek kecurangan. Fokus penelitian ini adalah bagaimana upaya, sistem pelaksanaan Panitia Pemilihan Desa Sambimulyo dalam mempersiapkan pemilihan kepala desa dan pengawasan BPD Sambimulyo setelah pemilihan kepala desa dilaksanakan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif deskriptif. Hasil penelitian ini menyatakan bahwa 1) Persiapan yang dilakukan oleh panitia pilkades sesuai dengan Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 47 Tahun 2015 dan panitia pilkades telah melakukan upaya berupa melepas gambar yang telah dipasang oleh calon kades di pinggir jalan. Akan tetapi, masyarakat tidak dapat melakukan pelaporan kepada panitia pilkades melainkan tim sukses dari para calon, 2) Sistem Pelaksanaan Pemilihan Kepala Desa Sambimulyo telah ditetapkan dalam bentuk Sistem Hari Kesempatan Berkampanye dan Sistem Sentralisasi dalam pemungutan suara, 3) Badan Permusyawaratan Desa Sambimulyo melakukan pengawasan setelah pemilihan kepala desa serta menciptakan keamanan dan ketentraman dengan bekerjasama dengan para cakades untuk menanamkan slogan ojo pecah ojo bubrah mung amargo pilihan lurah kepada masyarakat Desa Sambimulyo
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